2023 – Craft Dablets Review – 1000mg

craft dablets max 1000mg 50mg each

I really love edibles, and my favorites are those that come in a pill form. Pills are the stealthiest option there is when it comes to cannabis dosing; Who would ever question your “vitamins”? Pills also have the added benefit of being odor free and not melting in your pocket.

Oddly enough, this segment of the market seems to have been mostly ignored. Although there are a few vendors who sell stuffed capsules, finding someone who actually makes tablets is pretty rare.

A New Player

Craft entered into the tablet market recently with their new line of cannabis tablets called “Dablets. I tried them a few times here and there but they were only 5mg tablets – not much use for me. My low dose friends love them.

Craft probably realized that I was not completely satisfied with their previous efforts and decided to up the game with the new Dablets Max Relief! (At least that’s how it plays out in my head)

Max Tabs

The new Dablets have a much higher THC content of 50mg. That’s a steep jump in potency from the previous 5mg! This was going to make it way better – now I only having to swallow 1 pill instead of 10.

I figured if the effects were about the same, they would be a very cost effective for daily dosing so I grabbed some to test. The 1000mg tube (20 x 50mg) was under $25 at my local dispensary. That’s only $1.25 per 50mg tablet!

The effects

Like the smaller sized Dablets, the high was nice but not overly impressive. Its clean and kinda low key for me; it won’t get in the way of your tasks but if you choose to sit and relax, that’s doable as well.

The effects to me personally feel a bit lighter than I receive from other 50mg edibles, but they are strong enough to make me buy them again – especially for the price.

Dablets vs Stratos

How would I compare the new 50mg Craft Dablet to the Reigning Champ of Tablets? Both of these pills produce a nice clean high that will really make your day more enjoyable.

In terms of effects, I would give the edge to Stratos – they just feel…more. The cost advantage definitely goes to Craft though, and that gap is large enough to attract a lot of attention.

The Verdict

Craft Dablets Max 50mg tablets are a worthy addition to your medicine cabinet if you need those nice higher doses. They are odorless tablets that look like a vitamin but kick like a mule. Easy to stow virtually anywhere, you never have to worry about not having your meds.

Dablets come in a convenient pop-top tube making them easy to carry around. Besides containing 50mg of THC, Dablets Max also are:

  • Sugar Free 
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegan
  • Fat Free  
  • Nut Free
  • Gelatin Free
  • Pectin Free

Ask your local dispensary for the new Dablets Max 1000mg today!

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  1. Becca

    Thanks so much for showing me these existed! I found a dispensary near me that had them but they were $35 where did you get them for 25? If you don’t mind me asking

    1. admin

      I bought these in a dispensary in South East Colorado Springs

    2. Tonya Tyler

      I just got some at LivWell for $5 did it give you energy?

      1. Allan

        Honestly for me it could have gone either way. If I started, say, cleaning I would do it for few hours. If I wanted to just chill, I could binge on Netflix easy. Kinda a generic high for me. Personally I liked the Strato lineup better, but the dablets are pretty cheap.

  2. Jenno

    Dose it help with pain

    1. admin

      I find it to be very helpful with relieving pain. Your mileage may vary.

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