Stratos CBD Tincture – 15:1 CBD:THC tincture review

The Stratos CBD Tincture contains 100mg of CBD and 6.67mg of Hybrid THC in a 15:1 ratio. It has a delicious, creamy mint-chocolate taste that makes taking your medicine enjoyable for a change! Its water emulsion base ensures rapid uptake and swift onset providing you for 4-6 hours of symptom relief.

The History

Stratos is the Colorado based company that brought us the pharmaceutical-grade cannabis-infused line of THC and CBD infused tablets. Now they offer a premium tincture line too!

These new tinctures are formulated with a special emulsion incorporating water making them highly bioavailable with ultra-fast delivery.

These water emulsion-based tinctures are the fastest absorbing ingestible product on the market! Using water-based tinctures lets the cannabinoids be absorbed into your bloodstream within a few minutes. The effects last between 4-6 hours depending on your metabolism.

What’s in it?

“Stratos tinctures are formulated through a phospholipid emulsion using water and MCT oil. Because our cell membranes are made of phospholipids and the body is comprised of more than 70 percent water, this specialized emulsion offers a faster uptake than a traditional tincture”

Stratos tinctures are sugar-free, vegan, gluten-free, and paraben-free. Ingredients are natural and include soy lecithin, xanthan gum, water, and a cannabis concentrate derived from a whole-plant CO2 extraction.

The Experience

The Stratos CBD Tincture has a 15:1 ratio of CBD to THC derived from a Hybrid strain. The serving size listed on the bottle is 3ml. That means you need to take 3 full droppers. One serving contains 5mg of CBD and 0.33mg of THC.

Within a few minutes I was noticeably calm and relaxed. The onset of the Stratos CBD Tincture is quite rapid.

I really like this tincture, it really calms down my overactive nerves leaving me completely clear-headed.  I wasn’t effected by the microdose of THC, euphoria at all. You don’t have to worry about getting high here. You can use this tincture all day, every day to help keep your body running smoothly.

This is the first tincture I have tried that actually tastes good! The cool and light mint-chocolate flavor leaves that lingering flavor in your mouth that gets you thinking you just had a milk shake.

Smooth and creamy, this tastes like no other tincture out there! If you hate the hashy taste or the burn of traditional tinctures, this one is for you!

Stratos tinctures provide reliable results in an almost instant delivery system! If you have tried other microdosing options in the past and had ho-hum results, you owe it to yourself to give these tinctures a try, you will be amazed at the results! Stratos tinctures are available in the great State of Colorado.

The Complete Stratos Tincture line:

Tinctures are available in 4 different varieties:

  • Energy 1:1 – A sativa dominant strain and offering 100mg of THC and 100mg of CBD per bottle
  • Sleep 1:1 – An Indica dominant strain and offering 100mg of THC and 100mg of CBD per bottle
  • Relax 1:1 – A hybrid strain and offering 100mg of THC and 100mg of CBD per bottle
  • CBD 15:1 – 100mg CBD and 6.67mg hybrid THC per bottle

About Stratos

Stratos has a comprehensive line of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis products that consistently provide users with specific desired effects. Through a discrete and dose-accurate tablet delivery method, the company is changing the way people consume cannabis-infused products.

Stratos uses FDA guidelines for accuracy, reproducibility, and cleanliness, resulting in a pharmaceutical-grade product. On average Stratos’ products test within +/- 2 percent of dose reproducibility, going far beyond the state industry requirement of +/- 15 percent.

With a combined 80 years of pharmaceutical knowledge and business experience, Stratos founders were previously formulating, developing and validating highly scheduled, DEA and FDA regulated medications.

In 2014, they decided to translate that experience into the cannabis space and created a line of pharmaceutical-grade THC and CBD infused tablets and tinctures that consumers could rely on for the same accuracy and reproducibility as many over the counter and prescription drugs.

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  1. harald L Christiansen
    harald L Christiansen

    I’m confused about the dosage, I’m 62 with moderate to severe pain. 3 dropper fulls seems high to me. Can you send me some more information on dosage. Thank you.

    1. Allan

      Hi Harald, the 3 droppers full will provide 10mg of CBD and 0.67mg of THC. You can always start off with a single dropper full if you would like and see how it effects you first. The THC content is very low in this formula so you should not have to worry about taking too much. Let me know if you have any other questions!

      1. harald L Christiansen
        harald L Christiansen

        Thanks. Will do.

  2. m cook

    will help me sleep and how long will it last??

    1. Allan

      The CBD tincture may help with sleep, as it aids in relaxation. Each person is affected differently, your mileage may vary. The Stratos Sleep tincture may be a better option if sleep is your desired outcome. On average these tinctures last 4-6 hours.
      Hope that helps!

  3. Judy

    I have RA and I am on Methotrexate is this safe to take with the CBD 15.1 tincture?

    1. admin

      Hi Judy, you should ask this question to your doctor. We cannot give out medical advice here, sorry.

  4. Sally Baumert

    Do I have to take it all at once or can I split dosage to twice a day?

    1. Allan

      You can always split the dose, but keep in mind that you may not be effected in the same manner. Its a good idea to use a little self experimentation to figure out the smallest effective dose for you. The dosages on the bottle are just a guideline.

  5. Sarai

    Can this help for breast cancer

    1. admin

      First thing, let me state that I am not a doctor. Nothing said here should constitute medical advice.

      There is anecdotal evidence that cannabinoids can destroy cancer cells, but those instances typically used a much higher concentration than these commercial tinctures can provide. They tend to use FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) or RSO (Rick Simpson Oil), although cannabutter and very strong tinctures have also been used.

      Here are a few articles that might help you find more information:

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