Tennessee Republicans introduce CBD oil bill

Medible review tennessee republicans introduce cbd oil bill
Medible review tennessee republicans introduce cbd oil bill
Medible review tennessee republicans introduce cbd oil bill 1

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Two Republican lawmakers have introduced legislation to make a limited form of medical marijuana legal in Tennessee: cannabidiol oil (CBD) products.

Sen. Steve Dickerson of Nashville and Rep. Jeremy Faison of Cosby announced the bill’s filing Thursday amid wide support for medical marijuana in state polls.

The lawmakers believe the change could benefit 65,000 Tennesseans. Patients would have to have certain medical conditions, from cancer to post-traumatic stress disorder.

The legislation would not allow use of recreational marijuana.

The National Conference of State Legislatures says 29 states have medical marijuana programs, which vary in form.

State Republican lawmakers are split on the issue. Senate Speaker Randy McNally of Oak Ridge opposes any kind of marijuana legalization. House Speaker Beth Harwell of Nashville says she understands the need for medical marijuana, but opposes recreational.

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