Here’s what inspired Snoop Dogg to take three months off smoking weed

Medible review heres what inspired snoop dogg to take three months off smoking weed
Medible review heres what inspired snoop dogg to take three months off smoking weed
Medible review heres what inspired snoop dogg to take three months off smoking weed 1

Most people know Snoop Dogg as a rapper, a cannabis enthusiast, an entrepreneur and Martha Stewart’s BFF. But you might not know that he also coaches a youth football team. If you’ve ever wondered what “Friday Night Lights” would be like with Snoop Dogg in it, wonder no more. Netflix has dropped a trailer for their new reality series ‘Coach Snoop‘, and you can watch it above.

This isn’t the first time that Snoop has talked publicly about his coaching duties. In fact, it’s what prompted him to take a break from cannabis. After a kid on his team told him he smelled like “my mama’s boyfriend,” Snoop decided to take a tolerance break. As he put it in an interview from January 2016:

I stopped smoking from that day for 180 days straight. And it made me a better coach, a better person, and I stopped smoking when I was coaching football. So every year when I coach football around the kids, I don’t smoke, so that’s three months out of the year that I do that.

Check out the results for yourself when ‘Coach Snoop’ hits Netflix on Friday, February 2.

Read more of this story at Civilized.Life



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