Cervical Cancer And Marijuana: What You Need To Know

It is no surprise that cannabis has anti-carcinogenic properties. As proven by researchers from all around the world, many forms of cannabis have the power to treat or relieve symptoms of the most malignant form of cancers. From brain to breast cancer, cannabis compounds are capable of stopping the spread of cancerous cells as well as slowing down the progression of the disease. But what about cervical cancer?

Up until recently, most research has shied away from the connection between cervical cancer and cannabis consumption. However, a new study suggests that cannabis may treat cervical cancer.

In a 2016 study, researchers at North-West University in Potchesfstroom, South Africa used an in vitro process to examine the effects of cannabis on cervical cancer cells. In other words, they used cells living outside of the body to measure the effects on the cancerous cells.

Specifically, they compared the effects of cannabis’ non psychoactive compound Cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabis’ sativa crude extracts.

In conclusion they found that cannabidiol and Cannabis sativa crude extracts prevent cell growth but only CBD was able to induce cell death in cervical cancer cell lines. While both compounds can stop infected cells from growing, CBD seems to be the major contender that can actually kill cancerous cells, right in their tracks.

Thanks to PAP smears, cervical cancer is no longer the leading cause of death among women in the United States because these screenings check for cancerous cells on the cervix. However, according to researchers of the study, cervical cancer kills more than 250,000 women in Sub-Saharan Africa.

What’s even more startling? “This makes it the most lethal cancer among black women and calls for urgent therapeutic strategies,” according to scientists.

While PAP smears may help with early detection a remedy is still needed to stop such a widespread threat, especially for patients where surgery and chemotherapy are not an option.

This 2016 study is a good start.

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