MassRoots facing eviction from Denver office

Medible review massroots facing eviction from denver office

Cannabis-focused social media platform MassRoots could be evicted from its Denver offices unless the company pays nearly $40,000 in back rent.

According to The Cannabist, the embattled publicly traded company owes $39,742 to its landlord and hasn’t paid its rent since August.

Medible review massroots facing eviction from denver office 1An eviction notice dated Dec. 18 was posted on MassRoots’ office door, The Cannabist reported. The notice threatened eviction as soon as Thursday if the back rent remained unpaid.

MassRoots CEO Isaac Dietrich laid the blame for the situation at the doorstep of former CEO Scott Kveton, who took over the company after Dietrich was terminated.

Kveton replaced Dietrich in mid-October; the non-payment of rent dated to August.

Dietrich, who recently was reinstated as CEO last week, said MassRoots has the money to pay the back rent. But he didn’t clarify whether the company would do so.

Rather, he told The Cannabist that if the rent isn’t paid, it would be part of a “strategic business decision” to cut costs.

Also Thursday, Dietrich emailed Marijuana Business Daily a copy of a court filing that formally withdraws a lawsuit MassRoots filed against him last month.

The lawsuit had alleged that Dietrich stole $250,000 in company funds, used illegal drugs and engaged in “improper sexual activities” at MassRoots’ Denver office.

Dietrich had said after his reinstatement that the suit would be immediately withdrawn.

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