Common Myths About Hemp That Need Busting

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Hemp has become an increasingly utilized substance in recent years, and many people have enjoyed its multiple health and other benefits. Yet, many misconceptions about the plant continue to abound and lead people astray when they think about the product. Here are some of the most pervasive myths that need busting today.

Myth: Hemp is the Same as Marijuana

Probably the biggest misconception about hemp is that it’s just another word for marijuana, but hemp is a different substance altogether. So, you’re probably wondering, what is hemp really, then? This substance is, like marijuana, a variety of cannabis Sativa, one of the three main subtypes of the cannabis plant.

However, while the two sit under the same umbrella, hemp contains hardly any delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana that makes users feel “high.” There are negligible amounts of THC in hemp (under 0.3 percent per dry weight), whereas marijuana has up to 30 percent of it. What hemp does have, though, is a lot more cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabidiol is a non-intoxicating compound with medical applications.

Myth: Hemp is Really Only Used for Spreading on Top of Food

Another common hemp myth is that this good is really only used for spreading on top of food. While many people globally use hemp seeds or hemp seed oil on top of their cereal or in baking or other recipes (mainly due to the substance’s high levels of quality protein and dietary fiber), this doesn’t mean its uses stop there.

In fact, hemp is used around the world for a variety of products. For instance, the fibers from hemp stalks are often used to make clothes, rope, linens, and other textiles and materials, including some construction options. Hemp is utilized in biofuel, bioplastics, insulation, and even paper, as well as paints, varnishes, and soaps.

Hemp is used commonly for medical reasons, too. Some people find hemp helps relieve issues such as constipation, eczema, arthritis, and high cholesterol, to name a few benefits.

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Myth: Hemp is Only Used by Vegans

While vegans regularly use hemp to supplement their diets due to the high levels of complete protein in the substance and other beneficial compounds, this doesn’t mean that the product is exclusively used by this demographic.

Meat eaters and those on other types of diets often take advantage of the fact that hemp contains all the essential and non-essential amino acids. Consumers mix it into meat dishes and smoothies, sprinkle the seeds over fish or cereal, or pour hemp seed oil over numerous dishes.

Myth: Hemp Gets You High

Another one of the most pervasive myths about hemp is that, like marijuana, it gets users high. However, as mentioned above, hemp doesn’t contain enough THC to have intoxicating effects. Even if you ingest substantial quantities of the substance, you’ll still not have issues with psychoactive influences as you would expect with taking marijuana.

Weed averages between ten and 20 percent THC, although it can go up to 30 percent. Hemp, on the other hand, can be smoked in a similar way to marijuana if using the hemp flower, but you won’t get high.

Myth: You need to Ingest Hemp Products in Large Quantities

Since there is the ongoing myth that hemp can get you high, it’s no wonder that there is also a myth that users of hemp need to ingest the product in large quantities. Many people erroneously take a lot of a hemp-derived product in the hope that eventually, once they consume enough, they will get a “high” in the same way they would if they took marijuana.

As you can see from the above clarification, though, this won’t happen. As with pretty much anything that we ingest, hemp is best taken in moderation. Start with a low dose of hemp, too, to ensure your body reacts okay to it and you don’t have any side effects.

Myth: Hemp Seed Oil is the Same Thing as CBD Oil

Confusion abounds about the difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil. This misunderstanding is reasonable since many online sales listings for CBD actually relate to hemp seed oil instead. However, unlike CBD, hemp seed oil contains zero cannabidiol. While CBD gets extracted from the flowers and leaves of the plant, hemp seed oil comes from the seeds.

If you’re considering purchasing some hemp in the coming weeks or months, educate yourself on the facts about this good and do your homework before you buy.

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