6 Ways to Include Cannabis into Your Holistic Health Lifestyle

Cannabis is new to a lot of people, so it’s hard to figure out how to include it in your life. If health is the goal, it’s vital to think this through. The good thing is there are simple ways to include cannabis in your life and holistic health plan.

1. Salad Mixes

One thing you can do is add cannabis leaves to your salads. Now, like any other green, these have to come from a trusted source. A good source is vital to make sure you get high-quality cannabis that wasn’t grown with harmful pesticides.

The leaves have to be cleaned properly because they can carry bacteria, especially if they are fresh. It would be wise to soak them in vinegar, just to be safe before adding them to your salad. Keep in mind that cannabis leaves are a little bitter, so plan accordingly. You might want to add some cubed apples to balance the taste a bit.

2. Topicals

Including this substance in your skincare regimen is another way to receive the benefits of this herb. There are balms, creams, lip balms, massage ointments, and many other products you can try. You can type in “dispensary near me” in your search engine to find some of these products.

You can use these to keep your skin free of impurities. The products also fight inflammation and mild discomfort. You can also use them during massage therapy sessions, which can enhance the session. There are countless combinations to try; just choose the ointment that best suits your needs and gives you the desired results. You can start by trying a few popular products that have good reviews and go from there.

3. Smoothies and Juices

Another way folks incorporate cannabis in their lives is to drink it. The body has an easier time absorbing the cannabis goodness this way. You can add leaves and buds to some of your favorite smoothies or raw juices.

You’re looking for leaves and buds when you search for this online or at your local dispensary. Stems are not good for smoothies or drinks because of the hairs they contain. These are hard and will irritate your throat. Again, add something sweet because cannabis can be a little bitter. Stevia, maple syrup, or raw honey could work.

4. Dressings

Adding cannabis to your dressings is another option for you. Making your own can ensure you get something healthy. Commercial dressings may contain ingredients you want to avoid.

There are two ways to do this. You can grind cannabis finely and add it to your dressing recipe, or you can purchase cannabis in oil form. Then, you can just add the oil to your other ingredients. Be sure to add herbs like garlic or even ginger depending on what works for your recipe. This will give you a healthy dressing.

5. Vaping

Vaping offers a cleaner way to consume cannabis, and you get all the benefits linked to this substance. Vaping is also a simple way to incorporate cannabis into your life. This makes it easier to consume in situations where lighting up might not be easy, like at the gym before or after your workout.

You can also vape before you go to sleep and not have to worry about lighting up a spliff. You can control the amount of cannabis you vape with ease, and the device is quite small, so you can take it anywhere. Plus, vape pens can be used to consume other beneficial substances.

6. Aromatherapy

Folks on a holistic path love aromatherapy, and it offers many benefits to the mind and body. Couple that with meditation and you’ve got everything you could ever want from cannabis.

All you need is cannabis essential oil and whatever tool you normally use to initiate your aromatherapy sessions. Only use high-quality cannabis essential oil for best results. Be sure to meditate on what you want to achieve, be it more relaxation or better sleep. Combining these powerful tools should help you in many ways.

Now, you know how to include cannabis into your holistic lifestyle. The versatility of cannabis makes it prized in the holistic health community. It comes down to how you want to incorporate it into your life. How will you incorporate cannabis into your lifestyle?

About the Author

Maggie graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations. 

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