Willie Nelson’s Pot Brand Raises $12 Million to Fund Expansion

Medible review willie nelsons pot brand raises 12 million to fund

Celebrities who flaunted their pot smoking for decades when it was taboo are now cashing in on the legal cannabis boom.

GCH Inc., a Colorado firm that markets country music legend Willie Nelson’s brand of weed, said on Wednesday that it has raised $12 million to expand beyond its current market of Colorado, Washington, Nevada and Oregon. That brings its total funding to $29.5 million. Earlier this month, a private equity firm backed by billionaire Peter Thiel said it has amassed $200 million for its cannabis portfolio, which includes the official brand of the late reggae star Bob Marley.

From comedians Cheech & Chong to the rapper Snoop Dogg, pot-smoking artists are finding that celebrity branding can work just as well as in the cannabis market as it does for soft drinks, sneakers and insurance companies — and maybe even better. For now at least, having a big name behind a product can break through the clutter of cannabis strains like Gorilla Glue and Mob Boss, according to Allen Adamson, co-founder of Metaforce, a marketing consulting company. [Read [email protected]]

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