Is It Safe? Choosing the Right Cannabis Products for Your Pets

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Our pets mean the world to us; caring for them is our primary concern. Finding natural ways to maintain their health is doable, but choosing the right products can be tricky. 

Cannabis products are natural sources because they come from plants, but are these products safe?

Are Cannabis Products Safe for Pets?

Hemp-based supplements are derived from the hemp plant and can help support your precious pet’s needs. These hemp-based supplements do not include THC, which comes from the marijuana plant and not the hemp plant. THC is the psychoactive ingredient that causes humans to feel “high.” THC is toxic for all pets and should never be given to them. 

However, CBD does not have psychoactive properties and is found in high amounts in the hemp plant. CBD binds naturally to endocannabinoid receptors within the body, and both humans and our pets have them. Dogs and cats have more endocannabinoid receptors within their bodies than humans do, so they respond to the natural benefits much faster.

When shopping for CBD for pets, knowing what to look for is essential because each pet is unique and may have different health needs.

Choosing the Right Cannabis Products for Dogs

When choosing cannabis products for dogs, there are certain things to consider.

  • Dog Breed – Different breeds can be prone to having distinctive health issues such as arthritis.
  • Dog Size – The dog’s size will determine the dosage—the dose will be more significant with a larger dog.

There are also choices when it comes to how your dog ingests the cannabis product. The best available options include:

  • Oils/Tinctures – Oils and tinctures can be easy to administer by just putting the recommended dose in a dropper and placing it on your dog’s food.
  • Edibles – Dogs love treats, so CBD dog treats are one of the best ways to help your pet naturally.

Benefits of Cannabis Products for Dogs

CBD can help alleviate common canine health issues. Because of dogs’ highly reactive endocannabinoid system, they can absorb the natural benefits of CBD. 

Some of the fantastic benefits that CBD can offer our pooches include:

  • Helps to calm anxiety and stress – Whether your dog has separation anxiety or feels stressed from other outside influences such as fireworks or loud noises, CBD can help.
  • Helps to ease arthritis and joint pain – As our dogs age—and depending on their breed, as some are predisposed to arthritis and joint pain issues—CBD can assist with alleviating some of the symptoms.

Follow up with your veterinarian to ensure no complications due to drug interactions if your dog is taking other medications.

Just like dogs, our cats respond very well to cannabis products.

Choosing the Right Cannabis Products for Cats

For feline pet parents, you can rest assured that CBD also provides cat health benefits. Like dogs, different breeds of cats may be more prone to specific ailments, so it is a good idea to review with your veterinarian what your cat may be inclined to experience as they age.

Some benefits CBD can contribute to your cats may surprise you.

Benefits of Cannabis Products for Cats

  • Appetite stimulation and nausea relief – These supportive tools are beneficial if your cat is suffering from any form of cancer.
  • Pain management – Due to CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties, helping alleviate pain can be a relief to both your cat and you as their pet parent.

Cats, just like dogs, can also have anxiety and stress, and CBD is beneficial for both cats and dogs.

When choosing the right CBD product for your cat, the same choices are available in oils, tinctures, and edibles. Since cats can be finicky, drop the oil or tincture along the gums. This process allows the CBD to bypass the digestive tract and go directly into the bloodstream for faster results. 

If you choose edibles or put drops of the oil or tinctures into your cat’s food, this method will take a little longer due to passing through the digestive system before reaching the bloodstream.

Finding natural solutions for your pet’s well-being is essential, but you must be sure of certain things when choosing your CBD product.

  • Hemp-Derived CBD – Choose hemp-derived CBD to guarantee the product contains no THC.
  • Full-Spectrum CBD – Full-spectrum will contain the most cannabinoids versus broad-spectrum and CBD isolate.
  • Third-Party Lab Tested – This process assures that the Certificate of Analysis is authentic and accurate without any evidence of bias. 

Our fur babies love us unconditionally, so helping comfort and soothe them is a no-brainer when they feel sick or scared. Helping them with natural wellness products can bring a sense of relief to both you and your pet. Make today a pawtastic day with the addition of organically-healing relief!

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