Clearing The Air – 5 Myths Around CBD Flower

person holding green canabis

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has become increasingly more popular over the years. They are on sale online and in smoke shops, gas stations, organic health markets, and even farmer’s markets. In fact, a study by the National Marijuana Initiative (NMI) from 2020 shows that a quarter of adult Americans have tried CBD at some point and over 60% are familiar with CBD products. 

However, the abundance of the product also comes with confusion and some widely believed myths. It is easy to confuse CBD flowers with marijuana or not be up to date on the legality behind CBD. To help you better understand the truth around CBD flowers, here are 5 common myths debunked. 

Myth 1: CBD is an Illegal Drug That Causes a High

People often assume that CBD is an illegal drug that causes addictive and intoxicant qualities. However, this isn’t true. CBD is a specific compound in the resinous flower of cannabis plants, but not the compound that creates a high. THC is the compound responsible for intoxicant effects that you can find in marijuana. CBD is typically derived from hemp, a cannabis plant containing less than 0.3% THC. The refining process of CBD reduces the concentration of THC even further, so there are typically no significant traces of THC in final CBD products. 

As of 2018, the U.S. Farm Bill has made hemp and hemp-derived CBD legal at the federal level. The bill also defined the classification of hemp. CBD products officially hemp-derived will clearly state it contains less than 0.3% THC and therefore legal among U.S. federal laws and most state laws. CBD products without traces of THC are also legal in almost every European country.

Although CBD doesn’t cause a high like marijuana does, it does still provide various effects depending on the type of product you consume. For example, specific strains of CBD flower you consume impact the effects of the CBD. Some strains promote relaxation, while others can be energizing. 

Myth 2: There is No Research or Scientifically Proven Benefits of CBD

While CBD is not a miracle cure for diseases, it has been proven to help various individuals with chronic conditions such as anxiety, untreatable pain, and inflammation. There is a common misconception that no research has been done on CBD or its effects. However, this is not true.

Over the last few years especially, there has been an increase in CBD clinical trials and studies to understand how they can treat various disorders. For example, studies exist around understanding the relationship of CBD to:

  • Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
  • Chronic pain
  • Epilepsy
  • Preventing cancer cell growth 
  • Immune function 

Studies have also focused on how CBD can reduce symptoms associated with mental health disorders, especially stress and anxiety. You do not require a prescription for most CBD products in the U.S. However, there is one CBD prescription oil that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Studies have shown that the prescription Epidiolex is effective for treating two types of epilepsy. 

Myth 3: CBD Is Only Found in Hemp

Although hemp-derived CBD is considered federally legal in the U.S., CBD is not found exclusively in hemp. You can find some amount of CBD in all cannabis plants, meaning CBD can be derived from both hemp and marijuana. Both hemp and marijuana plants are defined as cannabis plants, but the main differences between them are the levels of THC present. As previously mentioned, hemp contains 0.3% or less THC. 

Typically, manufacturers will use the flowers and leaves of hemp plants to make CBD products. It is recommended you review a product’s CBD lab testing to better understand what type of CBD is in a product you are purchasing and that it is labeled accurately. 

Myth 4: There Is Only One Way to Enjoy CBD

Although CBD tinctures and oil capsules have become popular recently, they are not the only ways you can consume CBD. For example, topical application of CBD through creams, ointments, and balms is also widely available. This method is best for skin conditions, sore muscles, or headaches. 

Inhaling CBD through smoking or vaping gives you a high concentration of CBD and is one of the fastest ways to enjoy its effects. You can purchase hemp cigarettes and loose flowers to smoke or use e-cigarettes and vape pens with CBD-infused cartridges. You can also use an oil rig or dab to vaporize CBD concentrates for a more potent version.  

Another rapidly growing way to consume CBD is through edibles. For example, pre-made CBD edibles, such as CBD gummies and lollipops, are popular options. You can also add CBD oil to your food, including making your own CBD-infused desserts at home. 

Myth 5: CBD Affects Everyone Similarly

Similar to traditional medicine, consuming CBD flowers provides different effects from person to person. There are various reasons why some people might experience significant changes after using CBD, while others experience little to no differences. A person’s genes, biochemistry, weight, and metabolism are some factors that can directly relate to how CBD impacts a person or how much you need to take. 

Additionally, the type of product also varies with effects. If you have muscle pain, applying a topical product directly to the area will offer different results than smoking CBD flowers. As previously mentioned, different CBD flower strains will also create different impacts. You will also find CBD products mixed with other active ingredients for various effects. For example, products promoting sleep and causing drowsiness usually also include melatonin. 

Final Thoughts

It may be easy to assume CBD is illegal and the same as the THC found in marijuana; however, this is far from true. Lately, there have been more studies around CBD, and most products don’t require a prescription. You can also consume CBD in various ways, including smoking CBD flowers or eating edibles with CBD oils. Understanding the facts from the myths will help you make better decisions before purchasing and using CBD in your lifestyle. 

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